Hear No Evil Sound Announces the New Album Literature from After-Death Plan

Hear No Evil Sound Announces the New Album Literature from After-Death Plan
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Columbus, OH – Hear No Evil Sound is thrilled to announce the release of Literature by the After-Death Plan, available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and locally at Lost Weekend Records in Columbus, Ohio on January 1, 2017. Literature features 9 tracks inspired by or dedicated to authors and books including Bulgakov, Dostoevsky, Campbell, Shelley, Burns, de la Mare, Jung, and Bram Stoker. Visit http://www.afterdeathplan.com/songfacts for the meat behind each song. Their sound is reminiscent of 4AD in its formative heyday but modern with catchier melodies and far less reverb. Others say PJ Harvey, Kate Bush, Siouxsie, and Garbage. “Constantine was always one of my favorite people to write with in the 90s when I ran the music collaborative Mal Vu back in Chicago,” Fogle explains. “He made his way into town from Columbus regularly and we always came up with these dark narratives that I just loved. By the time I moved back to Ohio, we found ourselves with a collections of song ideas from books that inspired us. It dawned on us that we had to release a concept record and the result is Literature.” On their new album the duo is joined on drums by Hondroulis’ brother George, who is currently touring with Bloodshot Records’ rising star Lydia Loveless. Other guest artists include Lizard McGee of Earwig and Blood Thirsty Virgins’ Nikki Wonder, both of whom recently released acclaimed albums in 2016. Contact Information: Hear No Evil Sound, LLC Constantine Hondroulis 1406 Bryden Rd Columbus, OH 43205 614.886.9409 chondroulis@hearnoevil.us www.afterdeathplan.com