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After-Death Plan reviews Boss WL-60 Wireless System for Performer Magazine

I hope this post finds you well. Hope no one has treated you like you don't matter or like they have dominion over you. Hope no one has tried to harm your body or your mind. I hate that so many are hurt, damaged, small, and confused that we have to morph ourselves into armored reactions when all that matters during our mortality is love. And living.

But this post is about the product demo After-Death Plan made for Performer Magazine (sponsored by IK Multimedia) reviewing the Boss WL-60 wireless system. It's been up about a week and has 5,600 views already. To us, the low-key and living, that’s viral.


We shot the footage a couple of days prior on Saturday. Getting pretty good at video in our second year despite the warnings of every video guy I’ve worked with in my sound career. I was warned about sound for decades as well. We had a quick turnaround time and spent most of the time trying to figure out codecs on Adobe Premiere.

The best feedback was from a musician commenting, "That's a really great review. I especially appreciate the complete absence of loud mansplaining." Ha! Let me have this moment.

Of course, we'll have to test the Boss WL-60 in crowded venues once the city comes out of quarantine. That'll tell us a lot more about performance. We were asked to keep this video short while including the unboxing and setup, so there was not time to do the recording test or compare the wireless sound to cabled sound.

Thanks again to Performer and IK Multimedia. We hope to do more reviews with local musicians and in different studios and venues.


© 2019 The After-Death Plan

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